Friday, May 2, 2008

The Spay and Neuter Clinic

Dear readers,

For those wondering what the long delay in between posts was- it was because on our way to Oz, I decided that Harlow needed to visit the Spay and Neuter clinic. It is pretty much the scariest place that we have ever journeyed to other than to Roxanne's winter hideout in Wanship, Utah.

Anyway, after a long 8 hour surgery and a weekend of rest, Harlow is no longer capable of having offspring. Thank goodness!

God bless you Harlow!!


Anar said...

Please forgive my delay Harlow and Sage! I was visiting another land. I do hope poor Harlow is doing well, she looks so very under the weather. Best wishes to you both.

teacher said...

I'm glad for the sake of the country you had your procedure done. It is a far and noble thing you have done. A little D40 and you'll be good as new. God bless you Harlow.